What is LibraryLEARN and where do I find my modules/quizzes?


LibraryLEARN is a set of different learning activities about information literacy. The modules consist of written instructions, videos, and quizes. Follow this link to all the LibraryLEARN videos. You can then practice your skills on your own, for things like using SmartSearch, creating keywords, evaluating sources, and citations.

If you are assigned to complete LibraryLEARN modules by your instructor please check with them to see if they have already been uploaded to your Brightspace course or if you need to access them from the library website. Some courses like Nursing, Computer Science, and Psychology have specific guides for accessing LibraryLEARN.

Health Instruction LibraryLEARN

Computer Science LibraryLEARN

Psychology LibraryLEARN

If you need instructions for retaking a quiz read this

Please confirm with your instructor how to access your LibraryLEARN modules and assignment. If you have any questions please contact Kwangsoo Han at khan@ccbcmd.edu.


  • Last Updated Jun 25, 2024
  • Views 66
  • Answered By Jamie Witman

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