How to save a permanent link in SmartSearch and EBSCO databases
Q. What are PermaLinks/Persistant Links?
A PermaLink, also called a Persistant Link or a Permanent Link, allows users to retrieve an article by cliking on a link embedded in a web site. This feature permits professors, teachers, and librarians to inclue links to articles within EBSCOhost on web pages.
To copy a persistent link to an article:
From an open article, click Permalink in the Tools menu on the right.
Use your browser's copy and paste functionality to copy the link from the Permalink window and paste it into an email, web page, etc.
Your article may not have an option to create a PermaLink. If that is the case, simply copy and past the url as it appears above your browser.
A PermaLink is different from a DOI, though they are sometimes confused. A PermaLink will enable anyone subscribing to a database through CCBC to find the content again. A DOI, or digital object identifier, is a string of letters and numbers that enables any subscriber to the database, regardless of where they receive the subscription, to find the article again. When the DOI is attached to the end of """" it too becomes a link. When citing a resource, verify with your instructor if a permalink or a DOI is required.